Friday, July 12, 2013


TURN 2 (7 of July 1944) German phase

A couple of pictures to show the situation before german move.

In red, the gap opened by the 30th american division. Priority for VII geman army to close this turn.

German front line in the British area. Inside the cercle, the road between Villiers-Bocage and Noyers (where  30th corps launched operation), the front line is still closed, but Panzer Lehr division suffered heavy losses.

 <<<<<<< I noticed now an ilegal move, british units in N3943 couldn’t stand there without attacking anemy units in ZOc (As it’s an open terrain hex). So as I didn’t attack retreat them to N3942.>>>>>>>
D German player turn:
1-      OPERATION PHASE. Operational marker 2+2=4sp’s, next turn an operation would be posible.
VII army 10-1=9 sp’s                    V pz army 11-1=10      

German player gets 12sp’s each turn but minus “allied air interdiction”. This turn 8sp’s (¡!!!!!) are lost due to allied air interdiction. So 4sp’s are received 7-july-44. 2sp’s for each army.
VII army 9+2= 11 sp’s                    V pz army 10+2= 12sp’s

No replacement this turn for germans, but as VII army had 6steps banked, it let them roll in the variable german replacement to get 1RE. Dr=5, I choose it as an mec. Inf. To replace the 4th pz grenadieren (2ssDR), it gains a regroup marker too.

3-      Allied general air interdiction. No allied player rolls this turn, as no air units were assigned to this duty 7th of july.
4-      German movement phase. Germans haven’t to do a mandatory attack this turn, but must reinforce the area of british 30 corps and closet he gap of the american 30th divsion.

Movements of VII army:
2ssDR were attached to the weak 25th corps, so they move from Vire to help 2P division to close the gap made by american attacks.
243 inf div went to the front at Sainteny to release 17SS div. Due to the terrain  restrictions and  Zoc, they (17SS) only arrive until  5 miles west of Lozon. Next day they will be attacking along the road to counteraatack american 30th div. 25th corps elements rearrange their postion near Point –Herber waiting for the help of the fresh 2SS Pz div (Das Reich).

Movements of V Pz army:

First of all, reallocate Pz Lehr near 47 corp Hq in order to get artillery support.

74 inf div were “regrouping” now afer turn1 attack “disorg” mode, but at the end of this german pahse they will become “normal” status. Pz Lehr is closer to their crops HQ, Next turn german player gets a variable replacement point (RE) depending on the type get it could be used to reinforce the unit. No attacks in this area this turn. In the vicinity of german 2SS corps situation is better as all british tropos after the offensive are disorganized 

(now same picture with counters in)

                              Combat phase.

N4239 attack. (red attack). Hedgerow hex. Defending 147 inf reg. (49div/30corps) A2=6 disorganized. Attacking 20 pz. Gren (9ss/2ss corp) A2=5 and 2/9 tigers battalion, strength=2.
So defending 6/2=3 (disorg) attacking 5+2=7

Combat sequence:

1-      Attacker declares suppported attack so V pz army pays his 1 sp from the reserve.  12-1=11 sp’s
2-      German now declares  support from the 102 art regiment (rockets) and british will use 5AGRA, 52HV and 54 Hv. Actually they were spent last allied phase but they can give defensive support anyway.  
German=7   USA units=3, 2vs1 in hedgerow hex
3-      Column shifts:
a.       Divisional integrity for both so no modifier.
b.      No air support available for allies. Important lesson for this turn, Keep unspent airpoints for defense!!
c.       German art dr =5 +1bocage (1 column shift in col=4) (3vs1). Allied art rolls  is 5 column of the table dr=1 is 1 column right shift, so again (2vs1).
d.      2 combined arms bonus let by hexrow, in this case just one stack so 1 col. Shift right. 3vs1.
e.      ASV, german have 3 white dots and british one black, as hexrow lets full ASV it means 1 col. Shift to the right. 4vs1.
Rolling two dice in 4vs1 “hexrow”= 10. 1D/2>1
German must loose 1step (991 inf reg.) passing to cadre and get a disorg mode . British regiment is destroyed, but germans inspite of being allowed to advance will not do it due to:
a)      “disorg” units doens’t exert a ZOC and will not affect the other ‘s combat retreat.
b)      WIll be in a very exposed situation for next turn.

N4339 attack. (black attack).

Hedgerow hex. Defending the whole 11Ar div, A2=12+cadre=13 (disorg). Attacking hex 4439: A2=10(pz gren)+1tigers plus  hex 4438: 5 (three batllions, tigers, pack and recon).
So defending 13/2=6,5 (disorg) attacking 11+5=16          2vs1 hedgerow

Combat sequence:
4-      Attacker declares suppported attack so V pz army pays his 1 sp from the reserve.  11-1=10 sp’s
5-      No side has artillery support this time
6-      Column shifts:
a.       Divisional integrity for both so no modifier.
b.      No air support available for allies.
c.       Hilltop bonus for german  (1 column shift right) (3vs1).
d.      1 shift due to  combined arms for germans. German West stack doesn’t as no infantry regiment there, brit’s defendin either as they are disorg. (4vs1)
e.      ASV, german have 4 white dots and british have three dots (just 156 full ASV, 29th cadre ASV). Difference is one dot, so 1 col. Shift to the right. 5vs1.
f.        Heavy tank attacking 6vs1
Rolling two dice in 6vs1 “hexrow”=7 (2+5). 1/1>1
German must loose 1step (19 pz gren.).Britishh 156 loosses one setp and the whole division retreats one hex. 19 pz grenadieren and 1/9 Pz batallion advance in order to defende the flank of the rest of the division.

 6. - Enginereeng phase:  Every corp uses it’s free construction (N4340 lost due to disorg mode): HQ. 86 corp N3851, 1SS N3844 (tench), 2SS N4339, 74 corp N4533; 47 corp: N4429; 2P 4226; 84 corp N3312.
7.- Disorg and regroup phase. Return to normal status all german “regroup” units and to regroup all allied units (basically british 30 corp).  Return air units to cup and reset naval support to zero.


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