TURN 2 (7 of July 1944)
No need to post a picture of the “new” situation as I only did three attacks in turn 1. Two americans and German, they meant attackers retreat execept the american attack
in St. Jean-de-Daye, it gained one hex (the town).
A Weather:
Weather is always known for allied player the
turn before. In this case the weather continues the same. light overcast like. No rain, sea condition “calm”. Rolling next
turn weather:
Dr= 3 with a drm of +1 (turn
before 19-july) = 3 it means: scattered(…it’s getting better!)
Sea condition
dr=2 (drm=-1) calm. No rain “dr” for next turn
Allied air segment
Allied player rolls in a table
for the air support this day (turn), it depends on the weather
Dr=6, It gives
the allied player “9” air points with light overcast no rain.
Now these 9
air points must be allocate between moviment interdiction, ground support and
supply interdiction. I will set 5 points
ground support, four in suplly interdiction and zero in mov. Interdiction.
B Mutual support and supply
First, form the army reserve
allied player allocates support points
to keep corps HQ supported.
USA 1st army spends again no s.p. for supporting all of his corps (as all
4 corps are at less than 12 hexes from supply source) 1st american army
reserve=11sp’s. The same happens to British 2nd army, no sp’s is wasted and at
the moment has 16 at the reserve.
Now armies may give sp’s to reach
the maxim (now it’s just 1) to each corp reserve. American 7thn and 8th corp
were at 0sp’s due the supported attacks they did. Now they arise to “1” getting
down by 2sp’s the army reserve (1st am. Army reserve =9). Now each army can resupply for free a number
of artillery units equal to the artillery support level (in both armies is 2).
British can’t resupply anything as no art. unit is flipped. But amercian flips as free unit
190 and 187, and 288, 406 and 174 art reg. paying 3sp’s from army
reserve (6 sp’s)
German supports for free one HQ
and one artillery for each army.
V Pz army have 5 corps 86ht, 1SS,
2SS, 47th and 74th, so it expends 4sp’s (15-4=11 sp’s left ). VII army have 2P,
25th and 84th corps so it expends 2sp’s (13-2=11 sp’s left).
Army artillery at 115th (25/VII army)
and 130 (47/VPz) both resupplied for free. 8NW and
for 1sp’s from
VII army (10 sp’s left)
Supply segment All units are in supply, excepting German
flack ¿¿??.
Units attachment: I want to begin an operation with british 2nd
army so must reattach divisions to try
to to use better operation opportunities. Americans cannot begin an operation
as they don’t have 12sp’s in the army reserve. On the british side don’t want
to choose 2can corp as 2 can di vis arriving this turn (need some tiem to
deploy), 1st corp is weak, need time to replace and rest it’s troops. 8th
divisions are worst, so 30th is choosen to be the spearhead.
German: V pz army: 86 corp: 711, 346, 16lft and 716. A corps may attach 3
div. Plus one more if any is assigned as a corp div… such as 711 or 346. So no
sp expended for 86 corp
1SS corp: 12SS, 1SS, 271 and 21st
Pz div- (3+1 div attached no sp cost) /2SS corp: 9SS, 10SS 47 corp: 2Pz, PzLehr / 74 corp: 276,
German: VII
army: / 2 parachute corps: 3Fsjg, 352
/25 corp: 265, 275, 2SSDR (2SS DR will be attached to 25 corp, actually in
“reserve” at Vire) /84 corp: 91, 243, 17SS, 2Fsjg (no sp cost).
USA 1st army attchment: /8th
corp: 79, 90, 82Abn / 7th corp: 4, 83, 30, 9th (comming from Cherbourg) / 19th
corp: 29, 3Arm / 5th
corp: 1, 2 , 2Arm
British 2nd army: 1 corp: 51, 6Abn, 3, 4Arm /2 can corp: 3can, 2Tank / 8
corp: 43, 15/12 corp: 53, 59 / 30 corp: 49,
50, 7 Arm, 11Ar,Gds arm (11Ar and Gds arm passes to 30 corp to be the armor reserve
for the attack)
Roll (DR=5) to see if “daily corp
support level” is arised (should be now just a “2” with two dice)
Operation phase. British 30 corp
declares an operation. 5sp’s passes from
the 2nd army reserve (15-5=10) to the corp reserve (1 +6=7). No german
opertional initiative this time.
- 2- ARMY SUPPORT AND REPLACEMENT: No new army is activated this turn. Rolling how many sp are received this turn, it depends on the weather and the sea condition. USA dr=6-1 (USA support drm for 7-july)+1 Cherbourg.+1 daily=7 it is 7sp’s for 1st USA army. So now at the reserve there are 13 sp’s. British dr=4 +1=5 (daily no table drm for brits), it means 6 sp’s, now Brit reserve=6+10=16
A Replacement
segment: This turn 2/1/1 Re are received so now USA has 5 RE points and
Brit have 2RE’s and Canadian just one.
USA 358 and 357 from (90div), 26 (1st div). Brit 158 (53div)Now banked: Usa=2, Brit=1, Can=1 RE pointsB Reinforcements are added this step, this turn: American 9th inf div at Cherbourg+899TD batallion. 2nd div of 2 can corp brit depot and two german regiments at 12 area.3.- MOVEMENT PHASENo major changes in american 8th corp front area. (west of Cotentin Pennisula)In american 7th corp area we can see the approach of 9th divisiĆ³n just disembarched at Cherbourg (it came so fast due to the trucks)If with the americans I can save enough sp’s to get an operation for next turn it will be launched with 7th corp, as it has two elite full strength divisions (A3 counters) 9th div and 30th div. 7th corp Hq is at Carentan.In next picture we see american 5th and 19th corps area. German 2P div is covering St. Lo. We see too the boundery line between american and british sectors.British movement phase: Two regiments from 53div (12th corp) retreats from front to rest and 3 can div uses start move to reach 2can HQ, no other major changes in british front area 7th of july…except for 30th corp operation…49 and 50 div attack elements of Panzer Lehr. In reserve 11 armored and Guards divisiĆ³n. If any of the attacks get a hole, tanks in reserve will enter to get another attack.N4236 attack:Combat secuence:1- Attacker declares suppported attack so 30 corp pays 1 sp from the corp reserve (so 6-1 =5 sp’s).2- Brit now declares one air support and support from the 5 AGRA regiment.3- German can’t declare artillery support as they are far away from 47corps artillery.4- Chits drawn for every regiment (new in combat)231 reg (A3=11);151 inf (A2=10) both from 50 inf division. 131 mech. Inf (A2=9)+2 cadre. Total=32. German KG=9(already tested)+tank batallion=10.5- Brit units=32, German=106- 32/10 is a 3vs1 attack on bocage row. But now before rolling dice the ratio may change due to:a. Divisional integrity: one column right as all 50th div is adjacent (4vs1)b. Air support, an air chit is drawn (available air points now is 4) 2 shifts in favor of attacker (1 less due to bogage terrain hex.) (5vs1)c. British artillery support, rolling in 12 column of the table (+2 for bocage -1 for hilltop) dr=5 is 2 col shift (7vs1).d. No combined arm bonus here as defender has infantry and armore. ASV attackers have one White dot, defenders 3 (black+White) so defender gets a one shift left (6vs1)f. Infantry defending in bocage gets a 1 col shift (5vs1)Rolling two dice in 5vs1 “bocage”= 7. 1<1/1 It means 1 casualty and one hex retreat for attacker and one step loose for the defender.N4238 attack:Combat secuence:1- Attacker declares suppported attack so 30 corp pays 1 sp from the corp reserve (so 5-1 =4 sp’s).2- British now declares one air support and support from the 55Hv regiment.3- German can’t declare artillery support as they are far away from 47corps artillery.4- Chits drawn for every regiment , giving (new in combat) Brit units=16, German=105- 16/10 is a 2vs1 attack on bocage row. But now before rolling dice the ratio may change due to:a. Divisional integrity: one column right as all 49th div is adjacent (3vs1)b. Air support, an air chit is drawn (available air points now is 4) 2 shifts in favor of attacker (1 less due to bogage terrain hex.) (4vs1)c. British artillery support, rolling in 5 column of the table (+2 TEM) dr=5 is 1 col shift (5vs1).d. No combined arm bonus here as defender has infantry and armore. ASV attackers have three White dots, defenders 2 (black+White) so attackers r gets a one shift left (6vs1)f. Infantry defending in bocage gets a 1 col shift (5vs1)Rolling two dice in 5vs1 “bocage”= 4. D/1>2 It means Disorganized for 3 attackers (2 remaining units +1 stillZoc).Defenders losses 1 step (inf reg.) and retreats two hexes along the road to Villiers-Bocage.American 7th corp attack N3723. Failed attack resulting attackers retreat with one step loss for german 897 inf reg.5.- RESERVE MOVEMENT:Situation after reserve movement in 30th corp operation area. In red retreat after combat phase. 50 inf div retreats after failing the attack against Panzer Lehr elements. 5 miles east, in spite of being “disorg” 49th british div. forced to retreat back 902 panzer grenadieren. Then in reserve move mode 11 armored and Guards armored moved through the gap (blue) in order to try to make the breach bigger (black).Reserve attacks. N4236. Guards armor div attack elements of Panzer Lehr. 901 pz gren. were destroyed Stug III batallion retreats back, and 11 armored division advanced. In N4339, 11 armored div were incredible lucky in a suicidal attack against 19 inf reg supported by panthers and achieved an incredible “retreat result”.6.- Engineering phase Each Ip began last turn is finished now. Each corp Hq may begin again an Ip for free, in brit sector corps 8th and 12th. In amercian area all corps did it.7 Disorganization/Regroup phase. Regroup allied units return to normal, and german “disorg” units passes to “regroup”.End of allied phase. Soon german phase of turn 7th of july 1944
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