Saturday, September 7, 2013

Killing ground impressions:

I finish my "The Killing ground" AAR here due to big mistakes in the replay. Anyway its a great great game, and I really think it’s not so difficult as I initially thought.

As I don’t realy know how to play, I’m sure there had been a lot of mistakes, not talking about rules this time but strategy. For example german must use wisely his support points. Not necessary to support every german corp every turn, if you do so, German quickly run out sp’s.  i think Germna must  only think about the places where a counterattack will be usufull (or even necessary).
Regarding  rules  I was worry about who pays anytime sp’s (corp HQ, army HQ, etc…) but it’s quite easy.  Combat is very interesting, no drm at all, and  as there is no pattern in the dr as in CRT (combat result table) use to be in most wargames. Here every column you earn to your side rises the percentage of a favorable result. It means that if you hit for ex.  “Dr=6” in a 2vs1 ratio it may be  a good result for you, but the same dice could bring you a bad result in the most favorable to the attacker ”3vs1” row.

The super mistake I did (I’m sure there more things wrong  I  didn’t see) is that you have to check who MUST attack who every time. If the front line doesn’t change  it’s affordable but it’s complicated every time there are moves along the line. AND it affects also the adajacent hexes too, if you attack sometime in some terrains you MUST also attack all hexes in your  ZOC 

Red german attack IS NOT LEGAL, as british stack (under construction marker) is adjacent and must be or attacked too or "sticked to ground" by another not attacking adjacent german unit.

A great game!!! want to learn more in order to play with "overlord"  the hole enchilada    (...dreaming is free!!)  

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