Monday, June 10, 2013

N44, 13th June

Again Overcast-2 at Normandy.

Utah Beach:

German spent his turn trying to put a defensive line into place around Valognes. Note that we have made some mistakes with the rules as the units from Cherbourg can not be released.  17 Pz SS is arriving to the area west of Merderet River.

American attacks along the coast to destroy German fortifications. He succeeded but German kept the terrain and no Allied advances this day.


Omaha Beach:

German is building improved positions to stop the American advance. But he makes a severe mistake and let alone 84 HQ believing that American can not attack across the flooded hex.
Many Allied attacks. Of course, German HQ was destroyed and Americans entered into St-Jean-de-Daye.
The other two attacks inflicted several losses into the defender but Axis player was able to stand and did not retreat.


CW Beaches:

Only area where Germans has made some attacks. As before, 50 Inf Div was attacked from Tilly and were routed but without losses. At Epron 51st Inf Div was also defeated, losing 1 step and retreating.
Dangerously approaching the Cadre limit, British player just played to reinforce his front line and no offensive this turn.





  1. Titokiza
    Comentaste en mi blog de juegos para niños. Te contesto aqui aunque no tiene nada que ver con esto, porque no he encontrado otra manera.
    - Sobre mi blog. Lo hice porque probé a jugar con niños de 6-8 años. Todavía sigo en ello y sí les enganchó el vasl simplificado. Estoy preparando unas de La Bataille (Clash of arms) para niños, pero me está resultando muy difícil simplificar.
    - Las reglas las puedo dejar en dropbox o donde me digas, no hay problema.
    - Vuestro blog. También muy chulo, alegra ver gente haciendo los mismo. El vassal es un gusto para los que ya no podemos jugar en una mesa.
    - Yo he conseguido recuperar a mis viejos amigos para Vassal (por eso he descuidado a los niños) y hemos jugado al World in Flames (veo que vosotros también), The Longest Day (el juego anticuado de Avalon hill) y ahora estamos con OCT-La campaña de Francia.

