Sunday, June 30, 2013

                       THE KILLING GROUND

TURN 1 (6 of July 1944)
A  Weather:
 No need to roll for weather as secenario set up says  that it is “light overcast” and “no rain”. But anyway,  allied player must roll next turn weather and keep the information secret. Dr= 3 with a drm of +1 (turn before 19-july) =4 it means light overcast like first turn.
Sea condition dr=1 (drm=-1) calm      
Rain dr=2 so no rain next turn either

Allied air segment
Allied player rolls in a table for the air support this day (turn), it depends on the  weather 
Dr=3, It gives the allied player just “6” air points with light overcast no rain.
Now these 6 air points must be allocate between moviment interdiction, ground support and supply interdiction. I will set  two points each.  Sure it is not a great strategy but that way I’ll learn.

B Mutual support and supply  stage.

First, form the army reserve allied player allocates support  points to keep corps HQ supported.
USA 1st army uses 0  s.p. for supporting all of his corps. 5th, 7th, 8th and 19th, (so army reserve still has  6) as all 4 corps are at less than 12 hexes from supply source (depot at W6021)
British 2nd army must support five corps 1st, 8th, 12th, 30th and 2nd can. All five corps are again closer than 12 hexes to supply source. British 2nd army reserve has 14 s.p.

All allied corps already have 1sp at each corps reserve, so armies can’t give them more sp’s as it is the maxim now (this maxim daily corps support level can be arisen in later turns). Now each army can resupply for free a number of artillery units equal to the artillery support level (in both armies is 2). British resupplies  as free unit  52Hv and 55Hv near Courselles.

American do it with 406 and 188 artillery reg. from 4th and 90 div. British resupply paying (2sp’s) 8AGRA and one more for 59HV. (Brit 2nd army reserve=14-3=11.
187 art reg.(1st div)  , 190 art reg. (30 div). USA army res=6-2=4. I don’t  ressuply 82div artillery as I see 82 div very weak now.

German supports for free one HQ and one artillery for ecah army. V Pz army have 5 corps 86ht, 1SS, 2SS, 47th and 74th, so it expends 4sp’s (18-4=14 sp’s left ). VII army have 2P, 25th and 84th corps so it expends 2sp’s (12-10=10 sp’s left). Army artillery at N3817 resupplied for free.

Supply segment  All units are in supply, excepting German flack ¿¿??.

Units attachment (I think it’s important and a bit complicated, so do it for every corp in game)

German: V pz army: 86 corp: 711, 346, 16lft and 716. A corps may attach 3 div. Plus one more if any is assigned as a corp div… such as 711 or 346. So no sp expended for 86 corp
1SS corp: 12SS, 1SS, 271 and 21st Pz div- (3+1 div attached no sp cost) /2SS corp: 9SS, 10SS                          47 corp: 2Pz, PzLehr / 74 corp: 276, 277

German: VII army:  / 2 parachute corps: 3Fsjg, 352 /25 corp: 265, 275 /84 corp: 91, 243, 17SS, 2Fsjg (no sp cost)

USA 1st army attchment:  /8 corp: 79, 90, 82Abn / 7corp: 4, 83, 30 / 19 corp: 19, 29, 3Arm             5 corp: 1, 2 , 2Arm

British 2nd army: 1 corp: 51, 6Abn, 3, 4Arm /2 can corp: 3can ,2Tank / 8 corp: 43, 15, 11Arm   /      12 corp:  53, 59 , Gds Arm  / 30 corp: 49, 50, 7 Arm

No roll can be made yet to increase “daily corp support level” as it would be an “1” with two dice.

1      Operation phase.  No operations beginthis turn. No german operational initiative segment either.
2   Army support and replacement phase: No new army is activated this turn. Rolling how many sp are received this turn, it depends on the weather and the sea condition. USA dr=6-1 (USA support drm for 6-july)+1 Cherbourg.=6   it is 7sp’s for 1st USA army. So now at the reserve there are 11 sp’s Brit dr=3 +1=4 (Cherbourg no table drm for brits), it means 5 sp’s, now Brit reserve=5+11=16 
Replacement segment: USA has 3rp points and Brit have just one. No rp spent this time but will retreat for reting two regiments: 23reg, 2nd div 5th corp (USA) and 29 reg 43 div 8th corp (brit). They will come back three turns later as reinf. without -1 effectiveness penalty.
Reinforcements are added this step, this turn only american 79(Art) unit. It is placed at the american depot.
                3.- Movement phase:  
 First of all, units move using tactical move. Move all three tracks from Isigny-sur-Mer to join 9th inf div. Before moving the rest of the unit moves I must check which units MUST attack in their actual situation. They are N34.16 and N36.23 both are in flooded lowland where attack is mandatory. In Brit area no mandatory attack as all of them are  in hedgerows, bocages, IP, etc.
79 art reg moves to join 19 corp as I think it will be the corp where I will begin an american operation in any future good weather turn, I would like to cross Vire river there at Point Herber (north of St Lo.). In British sector move 59th div to relieve 53th div (both from 12 corps) in order to retreat them next turn to rest.
               4.- Combat phase:  
As I only have 2 air missions I will only do this attacks (sure not a great strategy again!) anyway lets learn how attacks work. As I must  attack N34.16 I move all 90th div. One reg (359th) to N3215. 358th goes to N33.16. That way I can attack with two regiments (not regiment + cadre), but to do that I must put a unit in zoc of german 941th inf reg, as attack from hedgerow is not mandatory, but if you choose to attack you must do to all units in your ZOC (excepting if this unit is also  in a fiendly zoc of a unit not attacking)

First image is just the terrain near the combat and second one shows the same area with combat units.
Combat secuence:
1-      Attacker declares suppported attack so 8 corp (the one 90 div belongs) pay 1 sp from the corp reserve (so now 8th corp reserve=0).
2-      American now declares one air support and support from the 406 art regiment.
3-      German declares support from 8NW (as 84 corp artillery are out of range. )
4-       Total the combat strength of units. For every regiment a chit is drown, (in spite of being “2” regs  chit from “1” are drawn for both units due to the -1 effect of replacement received). 358=7; 357=7 and german KG=3.
5-      USA units=14, German=5  (3 from the KG and 2 from the 561 OST batallion- No chit drawn for battlion size units, they have combat strength printed on the counter)
6-      14/5 is a 3vs1 attack on flooded lowland row. But now before rolling dice  the ratio may change due to:
a.       Divisional integrity: one column right as all 90div is adjacent (4vs1)
b.      Air support, an air chit is drawn (available air points now is 1) 2cshifts in favor of attacker (as no rain and no special terrain for air support) (6vs1)
c.       American artillery support, rolling in 5column of the table (+1 for USA, -1 for flloded hex) dr=5 is 1 col shift (7vs1). German art dr =1 (2col left shift) (5vs1). Both artillery units are flipped to it’s spent side.
No ASV or combined arm bonus here intis kind of terrain hex. When solving combat no drm is used, just column shifts. Rolling two dice in 5vs1 “flooded lowlands”= 11. Very lucky result for germans   1<1/-  It means 1 casualty and one hex retreat for attacker and nothing for the defender.

 Combat secuence:
1-      Attacker declares suppported attack so 7th corp pay his 1 sp from the corp reserve.  
2-      American now declares one air support and support from the 190 art regiment.
3-      German declares support from 115 art reg.
4-       Total the combat strength of units. Again  for every regiment a chit is drawn, 1B=4 for german reg +1 for anti air unit totals a 5 for german defense. A3=15 and A=13 for american inf reg. As all american units are attacking across a stream strength are halved. 15+1=16/2=8 for 117 inf reg and 743 tank batallion. Next in the other hex 13 for 119 inf reg +cadre value for 120 inf reg=8.
5-      USA units=16, German=5.    16vs5 is a 3vs1 in hedgerow+village hex
6-      Column shifts:
a.       Divisional integrity: one column right as all 30div is adjacent (4vs1)
b.      Air support, an air chit is drawn (available air points now is 0) 3 shifts in favor of attacker (as no rain and no special terrain for air support) (7vs1)
c.       American artillery support, rolling in 5column of the table (+1 for USA, -1 for hedgerow) dr=5 is 1 column right shift (8vs1). German art dr =6 (no column left shift) (8vs1). Both artillery units are flipped to it’s spent side.
d.      No combined arms bonus as defender has both infantry and antitank guns.
e.      ASV, german have 2 black dots and american only one White, so 1 column to the left for defender. 7vs1.
f.        German defending in hedgerow 1 col left 6vs1
g.       Infantry defending in town 1 col left 5vs1
Rolling two dice in 5vs1 “hegderows”= 11. -/>1 No casualties for both sides, but this time allied wins as the german must retreat one hex. St Jean-de-Daye is conquered by the alllies it means Germans must do one attack mandatory next turn.
No reserve move this time as NO operation is in course now. No target air interdiction as

6.- Engineering phase Each HQ supported at a 6 hex range may begin IP positions (free the first one, 1sp for the second). On the american side: They will be N3212 8th corp; N35.19 7th corp. ; N41.28 for 5th corp.; N3927 for  19th corps. British side:  N4139 for 30th corp, N4143 8th corp; N4042 for 12th corp. 2nd can in and 1st corp in N34348 both begin an entrenchment.

7 Disorganization/Regroup phase. Nothing to do.

Later will try with German half turn.


Killing ground “battle for the hedgerows (scenario 22.5)”

The basic idea of doing this is learning, learning how to play, slowly, looking all the time the rulesbook  in order to  get me ready for teaching what I think is a supergame  to my gaming buddies. And then, in a foreseeable future, see it over the table in our club (now we have  WiF again).

I have played it just twice a couple of turns. So actually i DON’T KNOW HOW TO PLAY IT, if you know how to play tKG  sure you will find lots of strategic mistakes.  But I don’t care, i just want to learn how it works, anyway  feedback is welcome of course. Please show me everything  you can see it’s wrong.

I will use VASSAL as I think it will be slow to play 5 or 6 turns and I can’t be with KG  set up on the table for several weeks (…what a pity!).

                                                 Pieces set up before the campaign begins

                                       American west area

American east area

                                                                 British east area 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

N44, 14th June

Overcast again in Normandy.

German is bringing 17th Pz SS into place to cover the avenues towards Valognes and prepares a counterattack against American paratroopers.

The final defense for this day will be decided after seeing the result of the attack and redistributing the good quality units of the 3FJ.

After the big mistake on the precedent turn, German tries to recover the position by attacking American infantry units at St-Jean-De-Daye. His goal is to force Americans to get losses by being forced to retreat through flooded hexes.
But it failed and American resisted in the village.


A big turnover at the outskirts of Carpiquet airport.
German attacked British units with the force of the 12SS Pz Div and the valuable support of units of the 21st Pz and the 101 Tiger Battalion. With the quality shift, Tiger, armor and artillery support the attack moves quickly to 5-1. And German got a net '6'. This means that British needed to retreat 4 hexes, got two step losses and German got reserve status.

Now, German had the full 12 SS Div into reserve, being able to penetrate deep into British lines to hit the already heavily decimated 50 inf Div.
image Again with Tiger support plus the Werfer Artillery support, German got two 4-1 attacks against Allied stacks with reduced infantry units.
At the limit of already 5 cadres, British needs to save both attacks to survive this turn.
But he fails. Completely destroying his tigers, German got his sixth cadre and as British had only one replacement, Automatic Victory is for German.
We have finished the turn but there is no sense to report American movements.

For the first game of N44 we had made a few mistakes in the rules that could outcome the final result.
First of all, we completely forgot about Allied IPs that could be useful for British. Also we have missed that replacements in storm turns can be either Brits or Canadians. We had assigned to British. A mistake.
More subtle mistakes were made when applying ZOC Bonds, DCBs or applying retreat. When possible we have corrected the  errors.
Strategically, British did not realize his delicate position until that it was too late. He needed to be more cautious.
German had also many errors, some of the quite evident.
American, as usual, played perfectly :-))
A great first game. We have now a good understanding of the rules and we are planning to play again the campaign.
We truly believe that this is an excellent game that deserves to play with. We are anxiously waiting to jump into Ardennes 44. Our only regret is that N44 is now out of stock as well as Ukraine 43 that, under a similar system, we would like to try.
Our deepest thanks for this wonderful game to Mark Simonitch and the people at GMT.

Monday, June 10, 2013

N44, 13th June

Again Overcast-2 at Normandy.

Utah Beach:

German spent his turn trying to put a defensive line into place around Valognes. Note that we have made some mistakes with the rules as the units from Cherbourg can not be released.  17 Pz SS is arriving to the area west of Merderet River.

American attacks along the coast to destroy German fortifications. He succeeded but German kept the terrain and no Allied advances this day.


Omaha Beach:

German is building improved positions to stop the American advance. But he makes a severe mistake and let alone 84 HQ believing that American can not attack across the flooded hex.
Many Allied attacks. Of course, German HQ was destroyed and Americans entered into St-Jean-de-Daye.
The other two attacks inflicted several losses into the defender but Axis player was able to stand and did not retreat.


CW Beaches:

Only area where Germans has made some attacks. As before, 50 Inf Div was attacked from Tilly and were routed but without losses. At Epron 51st Inf Div was also defeated, losing 1 step and retreating.
Dangerously approaching the Cadre limit, British player just played to reinforce his front line and no offensive this turn.




Monday, June 3, 2013

TURN 8 summer 1863 "For the people"

This time I will begin in all the interphase stuff.

Three  actions must be completed by each player all interphases.

A) Bringing reinforcement into action. North soldiers are easier to bring. 8sp (40.000 men) in the east for example Washington D.C., 6sp (30.000) at the center f.ex. Cincinnatti (Oh); and 4sp (20.000) in the west f.ex St Louis (Mo) or Cairo (Il). But the question is that if south raided any state capital last turn or WDC hasn´t railroad connexion with the north you are loosing troops continuously. For the south is even more difficult, they receive 9sp every turn, but this number is reduced by 5000 men (1sp) every state north had conquered form the original 11 confederate states. After that south must roll a d.r. for every bklockade zone i has open, if the number rolled is higher than than the actual blockade level the sp arrives, otherwise there is a sw penalty.

B) Strategic movement, norht may move until 15 sp by train, south just 7. If this sp are going to be received by an Army, movement are not only restricted to RR.

C) Placement of new leaders scheduled to arrive this turn. They come randomly, you put them in the spaces and then flip them to see where they are.

Action begins!!  turn 8 is the tourning point of this game. South begins first as he plays a "campaign card", so Lee's AoW may attack an OOS WDC, so south puts a flag in north capital achieving a severe punishment   in sw (-30). Second activation is used to bring reinforcement to AoW. Remember south had only 7 points to move by RR every interphase, it means that very often confederate player must organize corps from north Carolina to bring troops the front.

AoP and Grafton corp are strong but they will arrive WDC late as south played a campaign, Washington FALLS!!

First action for north is to form AoC again ( and improved AoC!!), there's no reason to hurry now afer Halleck surrender's at WDC.  Then AoW smashes against Hooker corp at Starsburg (Va) achieving another overwhelming  victory, almost destroying Hooker corp and making them retreat to Franklin. After the battle AoW secures Strasburg loyalty and comes back to WDC. Grant reacts and goes to Fraklin to absorb the rest of Hooker's corp and to threaten AoW form the south.

Confederate then places another ironclad at Paducah to try to open another way into northern territory (in the west this time). Time for Grant to move again and try to reach Hanover, but it was intercepted by AoNV and in an even battle +5 for blues +7 for greys, another grey victory is achieved. Not an awfull move, as if AoNV failed interception or Grant had won the battle, with  AoC in Hanover would had left both enemy armies (AoW at WDC and AoNV at Fredericksburg) OOS, and northern AoC itself could reach easily supply in any of the near ports.

Then A.P Hill was detached as a corp from AoNV and then attacks AoC at Gordonsville, Grant had to hit 1-5 to get supplies back, but fails with a "6" so APHill atacks AoC with a strong +3 drm, anyway AoC is too hard for Mr Hill but a 2/3 is achieved. Then AoP moves to rescue threaten AoC (with just 1000men) and relieves them with 20000 new recruits, reducing AoP to 6sp (30000 men), but now AoC is save (for the time being)  with 6sp (30000 men too). Then grey AoW goes to hit AoP (it had a lower defence +5, for +7 AoC) and gets another 3/1 victory (three in a row!!,... not a turn for good rolling for the north this time). After all this battles all arond Strasburg AoC turns to reinforce again waiting  for another enemy offensive. Then after two card activations with all four armies back and forth around Strasburg and Culppeper, last activation allowed McClellan's AoP to retake W.D.C. but as it is a capital (even in enemy's hand) battle is a complete failure.
Blockade level=3 

Turn casualties                 USA         CSA
battle                                115.000       60.000              ***terrible difference this time!!!****
Attrition                                 -               5000

All war casualties                    USA           CSA
   (including attrition)                  430000        290000

An especially bloody turn, board has changed dramatically in just two turns.  A serie of bad die rolls, confederate skill, and a number of bad decisions of union staff commander, brings the north to a critical situation.