Monday, April 22, 2013

N44, 8th June


Weather in this turn is Overcast 3, so German gets 2 supply points and 1 infantry replacement. Allied obtained Infantry replacements for US and British and also air and naval support.

In this turn it arrived the first units of the Panzer Lehr Division together with some Flak regiments.

Utah Beach:

utah 8
The reinforcements from 709th and 243rd Div are slowly arriving and they are taking positions to defend Montebourg and Carentan.

The fight between 91 and 3 FJ Divisions against American paratroopers continued in this turn.

There was a heavy attack from St Mere Eglise that forced 82nd AB Div to retreat.

The 3FJ inflicted heavy losses in the just arrived glider Regiment but at the expenses of losing armored support.

During his turn, American player initiated an attack in his north flank to make a break in German line and look for a way to penetrate into Contentin Peninsula.

The coastal fortification of Ravenoville was taken by the 22 Regiment of the 4th Infantry division with armored support and flanked by units of the 101st AB and 82nd AB divisions.


Omaha Beach:

omaha 8

Panzer Lehr units are being deployed to reinforce Omaha sector. Moving at full speed some of the mechanized units have arrived to the front line and they are trying to close the gaps in the German lines. German did not attempt to save the isolated units at Bayeux but it relocated 12 SS Pz Division some miles to the East to oppose to the British advances.


American concentrated his forces to attack the weak German units guarding the St. Lo-Bayeux main road.  In spite of the Air and Armor support, Americans could only obtain a limited advance as Germans find cover into the woods where they meet a recently arrived Flak regiment.

Bayeux was finally taken by Allied in an assault conducted by the 1st and 4th brigades of Special Service. However, German resistance was stiff and caused step losses into the attacking units.

CW Beaches:

cw 8

Panzer Battalions of the 12 SS Pz Division have arrived to the battlefield and will give to the German the so needed armored strength to stop the British threat. Close to Carpiquet  airport, units of the 21 Pz Div counterattacked the advanced British units that were forced to retreat. Ranville was the scenario of heavy combats between 21 Pz and British Airborne. Germans received some support from the 711th Div but all their assaults to retake Pegasus Bridge failed (on a DR result and ulterior British DD).

During the German attrition phase, all the strongpoints have passed and survived.

Worried by the weak position at Ranville, British concentrated his units into an attack in his rear position against the 711th Inf Division. Attack was not very efficient but Germans were forced to retreat into the flooded regions around Cabourg, releasing the pressure against the British airborne units.

At Buron, British 51st Division launched his first attempt to penetrate in the suburbia of Caen but it was easily stopped by the 21st Pz Div.


British spent the rest of this day, regrouping his dispersed divisions and  moving towards Caen and Pegasus Bridge.

This is the final situation after 8th June:


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