Card1: Union rearrange his leaders and orders new destinations for part of the staff. Some "1" defensive leaders to try to close aproaching spaces and Pope ("2 rating " leader to press down Kentucky). South plays "Western Concentration Block" a card that allows you to move five sp's (25000 men) by train and then activate a leader, a powerfull card. This time Mike tries to press Kentucky up in order to threaten Ohio, a lucky dr lets Pope to intercept due to the -2 that Pleasonton cavalry brigades gives him, and wins the battle, in Ftp when you intercept you win an "+2" dr for the upcoming battle.
Card 2: A 3 card play to move AoP and prepare defensive positions in Harper's Ferry and Frederick. Is important to know that in ftp when a force enters in a battle not necessary stops. If you reach (before battle) a 2 vs 1 ratio and you win the battle, you can go on after the battle. Reinforced Jackson continues striking Pope at Nashville, Pope intercepts again (2 interceptions in a row, both of just 1/3 options) and loose the battle, but it stops Jackson.
Card 3: This grey's offensives in far Kentucky-Tenessee area, gives north a bit of time to prepare defensive positions, now North plays an event that lets place two forts, in this case in Gettysburg and Pittsburgh. This time CSA changes his mind, and moves Jackson corp's to reinforce the Mississipi area.
Card 4: Union plays an event to make an attrition in AoW which losses 10000 men (passing from 45000 to 35000 men). South plays a fort in Little Rock (Ar), this is an action I love, it closes the way form Missouri to Texas.
Card 5. Division move to reinforce the new fort at Pittsburgh. Unable to defend Morehead city, north had not garrisoned it, so now Longstreet corp goes there to reopen Nort Atlantic blockade zone.
Card 6: Pope was alone at Murfreesboro with just 5000 men after Nashville battle, and as Jackson went to reinforce Mississipi, then now Pope turns back to Bowling Green (via Clinton to avoid interception) gets 10000 men from General Banks corp's, and attacks Nashville again to reopen the rail line from the north. Jackson orders are changed and take his men back to southern Kentucky again to cut Pope's line in Bowling Green. AGAIN Pope intercepts at Clarksville in a 1/3 dr (third in a row!!). Jackson wins the the battle but Pope retreats to Bowling Green (so it still has a LOC) and Jackson is stoped again.
Card 7: There are some events in FtP you can't avoid when they are in your hands. This is the case with "red river campaign", when you draw this card as the north, you have to control one espace in red river or you lose 5sw. As north has sw enough I decided not to try this complicated amphibious operation and begin Misouri recovery with McDowell troops. For last move AGAIN south had a "minor campaign". As first activation Lee's Army of the West (AoW) attacks Washington D.C. main door at Frederick, but AoP iontercepts (this time is a 2/3 interception) and defeats them there. Once AoP intercepts it reaches a +7 drm (+2 fort +2 interceptio +3 leaders) is enough even against mega-powerfull Lee's AoW. Now seeing the fail of AoW, AoNV tries the same on the other side and attacks north via Harper Ferry. AoP intercepts again (five in a row!) with a 2/3 chance and defeats easily AoNV at H.F.
This has been "interceptions turn"!!! ... too much for my poor gamebuddy ;-)
(1/3) x (1/3) x (1/3) x (2/3) x(2/3)= 4/ 243 = 1,6% of chances to happen
bloody turn after so many battles, good point for the north due to the difference in manpower.
Mighty McClellan's AoP have just defeated Lee's AoW at Frederick and is waiting for AoNv to come at Harpers Ferry
Turn losses: Battle Attrition
Union 40000 15000
Confederacy 50000 15000
war losses (attrition + casualties)
Union: 170000 S.W:=103(-)
Confederacy: 140000 S.W.=100(-)
Blockade level=2
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