Turn begins with a die roll to determine weather. As for the rules, weather of 7th June can only be overcast 2 or 3. In our case, it was overcast 2 so Germans got an Armor Replacement and Allied got Infantry Replacements.
In this turn it arrives 12 SS Pz Division to reinforce the weak German lines. It enters from the east side of the map together with some units of the 346th Inf Div.
German has decided to put the two infantry units and the Armor Recon battalion of the 12 SS in Strategic movement mode to fill the gaps between Bayeux and Caen letting behind the two panzer battalions which will be fully deployed on next turn. Remember that in Strategic Mode, units have a movement allowance doubled but they are more vulnerable to attacks (no terrain benefits and one shift for the attacker) and can not enter EZOC nor end their movement stacked.
Utah Beach:
Omaha Beach:
At Omaha, Germans decided to do not defend the line at Aure River and they gave some terrain to Allied. The weak units of the 352th Inf Div have taken positions at the bocage line waiting for reinforcements.
The first units of the 12 SS Pz Div are just arriving in Strategic mode and they are deployed in a second front line between Bayeux and Caen.
A small garrison have been committed to defend Bayeux to the last man in an attempt to disturb Allied communication lines.
CW Beaches:
The 8 Brigade of the British 3rd Division was forced to retreat after suffering losses when attacked from Epron (D1 result). At the vicinity of Buron, the advanced units of the 3rd Canadian Division suffered losses and were forced to retreat but have succeeded to damage the German units that after the combat, were seeking for cover at the village (A1/D1 result) but clearing the way towards Carpiquet airfield.
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