Stormy weather in this day, so no Air or Naval support for the Allied Invasion. German got the remaining units of the Pz Lehr division.
No combats at Utah Beach. Allied did not attack due to the bad weather and German tried to improve his position specially at the North where fresh infantry units were detached to the defense of Crisbecq Battery. 709th Div is also in the area guarding the road towards Valognes. The exit towards Carentan is still firmly defended by FJ and 243rd Inf Div. American commander is choosing to land armored units preparing for the coming offensive. |  |
Also no combats at Omaha. Arriving units of the Pz Lehr are taking positions behind the front line as they will be charged of the St. Lo ‘s defense. This allows German player to shift 12SS towards Bayeux-Caen axis. American continued to land strong 2nd Div with the armored support of some TD.
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As said above, the arrival of Pz Lehr has liberated 12SS of some of its tasks at Omaha and now is concentrated along Bayeux-Caen road. There it has taken defensive positions around the village of Tilly-sur-Seulles. Armored units launched an assault against a combination of Canadian and British units but with little success in terms of casualties. | 
21 Pz continued with its fight around Caen against 3rd British Div with severe losses at both sides .
 | British reacted at Caen by attacking German positions at Buron but they were rejected.
The other main assault was performed at Dives-sur-mer to find an exit inland for the Airborne units. But German 711th Div retreated to a better defensive position at Cabourg and stopped any British advance. |
This is the situation at the end of Turn 4.

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