After the big storm of the precedent day, sun is shinning again and Allied will enjoy a clear day.
This not only will give strong Naval and Allied support but also will reduce German mechanized movement by 2 points.
German reinforcements include 3FJ Div, 77Div.

German relocated some defenses waiting for the Americans to attack. And the attack came towards the Crisbecq battery where a combined force of paratroopers and armored units assaulted the German fortification.
At Carentan and St Mere Eglise, Allied were expecting the results of the attack and were massing more units with armor support.
Germans spent his IP point by building construction of trench positions at Isigny-sur-Mer. | 
 | With all the Naval and Air support available, Americans rolled a ‘6’ to get a A1/D2 result.
Then Germans are forced to retreat four hexes (no DD possible) and must abandon the fortress. This cleared the road towards Valognes as only a small Ost unit is guarding the outskirts of Montebourg. |
Concentration of forces was the key in this movement as Americans attacked the Pz Lehr units that were guarding an important crossroad south of the Trevieres village.
Germans were forced to retreat through bocage and Americans advanced into the zone.
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CW Beaches:
German made some erroneous decisions here. The front line was still guarded by 12SS and 21st Pz Divisions. A counterattack was prepared at the Orne Channel, outside of Caen by Armored elements of the 21st Pz against 3rd Brit Div. However, in spite of the superior odds, Allied Air Superiority played an important role to help the British to maintain the position. This lets the German tanks exposed to a counterattack with the lack of infantry support.

Seeing an opportunity to get into Caen, British commander did not hesitate and sent there elements of the 8th Div. Moreover, he decided to make a frontal assault along the whole line, with heavy artillery support.
However, German were able to keep their positions although they had suffered heavy losses, specially in the armored units.

Map at the end of Day.

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