In this blog we will post After Action Reports of our games played by Vassal (and Cyberboard). These are our Alberto Pomar - Alberto Molina - Jordi "Dolent" Alberto Reports (AAARs)
Thursday, May 30, 2013
N44, 12th June
A sunny day in Normandy, Weather is clear 6, so plenty of air and naval support for the Allies.
In turn, the Germans get useful reinforcements with the arrival of the 17th Pz SS Div and elements of the 3FJ Div. The good weather allow a full control of the skies for the Allies and the mechanized German units have its movement allowance reduced by two. In fact this means that German will not be able to deploy 17th Pz SS this turn.
German has made a cautious turn, with no attacks to avoid the column shift of the Jabos and trying to reinforce his positions. I realize that we have been playing the IP rule in a wrong way forcing German to spend IP points for beginning the building and for finishing, thus reducing his capability for trenches almost to a half. We will modify our mistake next turn.
Utah Beach:
WWII: BtB, Turn 15, Fall 44
No Orders from the Fuhrer this turn while Stalin has asked his generals to continue with the offensive .
With the time running out and the Allies more and more stronger, Axis begun the turn playing an event for getting one more Victory point.
But in the last action of the turn, Germans surrendered after American First Army entered Berlin.
This is the final map
Step losses this turn:
Ge: 34 steps, It: 3 steps.
Ru: 17 steps, Br: 6 steps.
Losses really reflects the heavy combats in this last turn.
A great game played Alberto Molina (Axis) and Alberto Pomar (Allied) from March 9th, 2013 to May 27th, 2013.
WWII:BtB, Turn 14, Summer 44
More and more voices are claiming in Russia for a total offensive and Stavka gave orders at the beginning of the summer 44 to attack.
German begun cautiously, by reinforcing his Force Pool with Mechanized Corps and preparing replacements.
In turn, Soviet Commanders brought into the battlefield several Shock and Mechanized Armies from the reserve and initiated the expected offensive in the first week of summer.
Map at the end of summer:
A very bloody turn. Losses were
German: 25 steps, IT: 6, Romanian: 4
Russian: 27 steps, US. 4 steps.
VP= +6 (Orel shifted to Allied).
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
N44, 11th June
More than three weeks later, finally i will report on our progress in N44. Probably the only ones reading this journal are the American players but nevertheless, i have the task of completing it and i will do my duty.
Weather: Overcast 2.
Only one day of clear weather and Allied Airplanes can not give support to the land forces.
Utah Beach:
Omaha Beach:
CW Beaches.
In overall a good turn for the Allied. With bad weather, overcast 2, they have made good progress at Utah and Caen.
After writing this report, I believe that we have made some mistakes in the rules. I will note them and at the end of the game i will try to summarize the easy-to-forget /misunderstood rules.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
TURN 7 spring 1863 "For the people"
Here comes maybe one of the first mistakes seen how the war was, the sacrifice of AoC in order to displace Richmond. AoC goes direct onto Richmond without LOC playing a Minor Campaign card, this allowed me to play a second activation tha twill sure make Richmond fall. This was the way it was, fail the first dr, Richmond didn't fall at the first time, but then, Butler's corp with 10000 men enter at Richmond displacing south capital (without flagging it!, as NO LOC). At the moment:
USA SW= 113(+)
CSA SW=63(-) ...Always when scoring at FtP have to say if (+) or (-), just to mark how the tide of war goes. If you was (-) an add some sw (victory points) for any circumstances, then you win 2sw more for "Change of fortune". When you pass from (+) to (-) then loose 3sw. Now Confederacy played a "Major campaign" allowing him to do three activations in a row. First sent an corp to strike Grant's AoC, northern victory but AoC has only 3sp. Then south send another corp, that were defeated again by Grant, but it was the swan song as in the third activation AoNV gets down to Petersburg and it was destroyed at the end, it had a cost of 10sw for loosing an army marker and 3sw for "change of fortune". Two northern leaders died in all these actions, Rosecrans and Pleasonton.
Then, with AoC destroyed AoP moved to try to help a surrounded WDC and advanced to Maryland, but was intercepted at Baltimore by Lee's AoW. After that. AoNV goes to the front line again and in the way secures Ft Monroe to reopen Norfolk port. Hooker were then detached from AoP and went to Grafton, pick up almost all the garrison troops and moved to Strasburg. South placed then an ironclad CSS Arkansas to close vital suplly line of WDC. This will be dramatic later for the north!!!.
For the end of the turn, north plays "Grierson Raid" and places two PC markers at Hanover (Va) and Frederick (Md). That left both confederate armies without LOC. I think it is a "risky" bet that went wrong, it could have been used to place one of the flags to eliminate CSS Arkansas from Aqua Creeck opening supply line to WDC. South reacted sending general Polk corp from AoNV to reopen the vital suplly line from Hanover to Frederick... then AoP failed to intercept rolling a "5" and all the plan failed.
All in this turn happened at this area of the war (east). This is just before the last Polk move, when he opened the LOC for both southern armies and raided Maryland. At the end after all moves Hanover and Frederick (and Annapolis) changed to the south and it meant that AoNV, AoW didn't had to pass atrittion, could receive vital reinforcements, Washington DC was unsupplied, and all three spaces at Maryland were in southern hands, it meant a Raid, -5sw for the union, +5sw for the south.(Due to CSS Arkansas closing Potomac river at Aqua Creek). So union complete disaster.
Blockade level=3
Turn casualties (battle) 75000 65000
Attrition 15000 5000
ALL WAR CASUALTIES (including attrition): 315000 230000
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
WWII:BtB, Turn 13, Spring 44
Again we have seen a calm spring. Stalin gave orders to Stand Fast around the Crimean Front while Fuhrer did not interfere with his OKW.
Allied has prepared a strategic bombing of Ruhr area with the play of the 8th US Air force (to reduce Axis hand by 2 next turn) but it was effectively rejected by FW-190 (winning 1VP for Axis, good card timing).
Map at the end of Spring 44
HU: 4steps
VP: +5 for Axis (Axis win 1 Vp for playing FW-190 and Allied have taken in the Attrition phase Brest and Bordeaux).
Friday, May 17, 2013
WWII:BtB, Turn 12, Winter 44
After a turns of calm, again OKH gave orders to the German Armies for attacking Allied positions whereas Stalin command his Fronts at Rostov, Kharkov and Pskov to Stand Fast.
Opening movements saw the Germans trying to stop Allied invasion in France and reinforcing his Caucasian Front.
In Russia, Soviets have retaken Riga and advanced into Perekop menacing Hungarian positions at Melitopol from their rear. But Hungarian resisted the attack and kept Melitopol at Axis hands. Winter conditions did not help for the Russian offensive and with the Allied fully concentrated in the Invasion of France the operations were halted at this Front.
After the Battle for Antwerp Allied took a breath in their offensive and a series of strategic operations were seen in the Western Front.
Map at the end of Winter 44.
Russian: 4, US: 3, British: 5 steps
German: 12 steps, Hungarian: 4 steps.
VP: +7 for Axis (lost of Antwerp and failed to make MO).
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
WWII:BtB, Turn 11, Fall 43
No orders for the German this turn whereas Allied are compelled to attack.
After the defeat of the Allied invasion last turn, German redeployed his 18th Army from Calais to Dvinsk with the goal to reinforce his weak Army Group North.
In the meantime, Russian prepared an offensive to cross Strait of Kerch trying to liberate Crimea.
The turn then moved into a series of logistics operations, with both sides looking for replacements and some strategic redeployments. Most of the operations were made at the North were Germans and Soviets maneuvered to prepare the new front line.
But, at the very end of the Fall, Allied launched Operation Round-Up and invaded France again at Calais. The experience of the previous year will be very useful to not commit the same errors as in the past.
This time two Mechanized Armies are sent in the first wave of the invasion. However weather conditions are not optimal in Fall for such a landing and in the first attack, Allied were stopped at the beaches.
As second wave, Allied sent a reduced British Army and rebuilt the destroyed American Army.
Map after replacements:
Russian: 4 steps, American: 3
German: 6 steps, Romanian: 2 steps.
VP: +9 VP for Axis (lost Sevastopol this turn).
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
TURN 6 fall 1862 "For the people"
No surprises in interphase stuff, AoP defends Maryland frontier with two strong corps, one in Frederick (Hooker) and another one at Grafton (Rosecrans) and one strong corp for Pope in Tennesse border to threaten Mississippi supply lines. Confederate reinforces a very strong Lee's AoW and a weaker AoNV to back cover. In the west a corp for Jackson (suported by cavalry brigades) to halt any union adventure to Mississippi forts.
To begin Union decides to spread out over a wide area to close Richmond supply line via Tenessee and to threaten Georgia. Greys attack Grafton with biological weapons (disentery) and reduces Rosecrans troops from 6sp to 5sp. Then north cavalry troops raid Hanover (Va) in order to cut supply for both confederate armies. AoNV quickly answers turning back south to reopen vital supply lines. McDowell at Misouri begons to accumulate foods and bullets to prepare his offensive to Arkansas. Confederate spies inform of McDowell plans and greys build a fort in "little rock" (Ar). Meanwhile Van Dorn returns wit his 10000 men to AoW.
After half of the autumn preparing his supplies McDowell moves and spreads over a wide area of Arkansas, reaching even New Madrid (Misouri) in the Mississippi river. Southern political preassure flips support in two Misouri spaces, St Louis and Ironton leaving McDowell corps without supply after so delay to advance!!.
In the west, Anaconda plan of general Scott arises blockade level to three. (good point for blues). But Confederate men were preparing a smashing coup, using rail concentration card (Chickamauga) rises AoW to is limit of 15sp (75000 men) and launched a surprise attack to Frederick (Md). There Hooker seeing what was coming asked for help to McClellan's AoP. Once again, old McLellan didn't fail and reach Frederick just in time to defeat Lee in a wild fight with about 55000 casualties. This big battle was quickly reported all over the country rising Union strategic will. Smith and Freemont leaders among others died there at Frederick fields.
Union continues with political warfare and reopens supply for McDowell believing AoW will seek for rest after last battle. Antoher mistake, Lee's AoW fearless goes through Senandoah battle to try now on the other side of northern defences. But again McClellan reachs Harper Ferry to fight another battle (mid battle this time) in order to defeat greys again. Buell dies this time.
Misouri joins the union at last, but people is tired of war after two years of war (war weariness ) leaving score:
Union SW= 110 (-)
Csa SW=81 (-)
A good tunr for the union considering there were 4 "1" cards in hand. McClellan intercepting capacities also helped! only had 44% of hiting both interceptions.
Union Confederation
turn casualties (battle): 40000 40000
Attrtion: 15000 5000
Union Confederation
All war casualties (including attrition) 225000 140000
Situation in the west at the end "fall 1862"
Friday, May 10, 2013
N44, 10th June
After the big storm of the precedent day, sun is shinning again and Allied will enjoy a clear day.
This not only will give strong Naval and Allied support but also will reduce German mechanized movement by 2 points.
German reinforcements include 3FJ Div, 77Div.
CW Beaches:
German made some erroneous decisions here. The front line was still guarded by 12SS and 21st Pz Divisions. A counterattack was prepared at the Orne Channel, outside of Caen by Armored elements of the 21st Pz against 3rd Brit Div. However, in spite of the superior odds, Allied Air Superiority played an important role to help the British to maintain the position. This lets the German tanks exposed to a counterattack with the lack of infantry support.
However, German were able to keep their positions although they had suffered heavy losses, specially in the armored units.
Map at the end of Day.