Good times for the union this turn. ( ...two turns left yet for hard days to come!)
No surprises in interphase stuff, AoP defends Maryland frontier with two strong corps, one in Frederick (Hooker) and another one at Grafton (Rosecrans) and one strong corp for Pope in Tennesse border to threaten Mississippi supply lines. Confederate reinforces a very strong Lee's AoW and a weaker AoNV to back cover. In the west a corp for Jackson (suported by cavalry brigades) to halt any union adventure to Mississippi forts.
To begin Union decides to spread out over a wide area to close Richmond supply line via Tenessee and to threaten Georgia. Greys attack Grafton with biological weapons (disentery) and reduces Rosecrans troops from 6sp to 5sp. Then north cavalry troops raid Hanover (Va) in order to cut supply for both confederate armies. AoNV quickly answers turning back south to reopen vital supply lines. McDowell at Misouri begons to accumulate foods and bullets to prepare his offensive to Arkansas. Confederate spies inform of McDowell plans and greys build a fort in "little rock" (Ar). Meanwhile Van Dorn returns wit his 10000 men to AoW.
After half of the autumn preparing his supplies McDowell moves and spreads over a wide area of Arkansas, reaching even New Madrid (Misouri) in the Mississippi river. Southern political preassure flips support in two Misouri spaces, St Louis and Ironton leaving McDowell corps without supply after so delay to advance!!.
In the west, Anaconda plan of general Scott arises blockade level to three. (good point for blues). But Confederate men were preparing a smashing coup, using rail concentration card (Chickamauga) rises AoW to is limit of 15sp (75000 men) and launched a surprise attack to Frederick (Md). There Hooker seeing what was coming asked for help to McClellan's AoP. Once again, old McLellan didn't fail and reach Frederick just in time to defeat Lee in a wild fight with about 55000 casualties. This big battle was quickly reported all over the country rising Union strategic will. Smith and Freemont leaders among others died there at Frederick fields.
Union continues with political warfare and reopens supply for McDowell believing AoW will seek for rest after last battle. Antoher mistake, Lee's AoW fearless goes through Senandoah battle to try now on the other side of northern defences. But again McClellan reachs Harper Ferry to fight another battle (mid battle this time) in order to defeat greys again. Buell dies this time.
Misouri joins the union at last, but people is tired of war after two years of war (war weariness ) leaving score:
Union SW= 110 (-)
Csa SW=81 (-)
A good tunr for the union considering there were 4 "1" cards in hand. McClellan intercepting capacities also helped! only had 44% of hiting both interceptions.
Union Confederation
turn casualties (battle): 40000 40000
Attrtion: 15000 5000
Union Confederation
All war casualties (including attrition) 225000 140000
Situation in the west at the end "fall 1862"