This game begins with an special turn of only one Action Round. German must decide if playing Barbarossa or Von Paulus Pause Events.
Here German has decided to go with Barbarossa offensive. Now, he had the opportunity to put combat markers in five different hexes. Barbarossa event also cancels Russian Trench advantages and gives +1DRM to the attacker.
Here is the opening German movement:
 | Army Group North had the mission to attack from Memel to Kaunas and move to Vilna. 4 Pz Army is the main formation of the northern arm which will try to envelop Russian troops at Bialystok.
The pocket should be closed by the 2nd Pz Army which, attacking from Warsaw, must overrun Russian weak units at Brest Litovsk and achieve Baranovich.
The rest of the Army Group Center will concentrate in eliminating Russian units at Kovel.
In the South, German and Romanian Armies had the task to capture Odessa and defeat the resistance at Chernovitsi.
All the German attacks have been succesful and Russian units had only inflicted minor losses (1 scu step) at Werchmacht units.
Russian expended his reaction round trying to save as many units as possible.
In spite of Stalin orders, Russian SW Front abandoned its trenched position at Lwow and retreated to Kiev.
Also the other two Russian units that risked to be envelopped in the next turn by Germans, at Kolonyja and Tarnopol-Rovno were deployed at Kiev and Vinnitsa.
Courland SCU was called to protect the route towards Leningrad and it was placed at Pskov.
Finally, Russian commander begun to deploy a defensive line behind the Dnieper river and called the Reserve at Mozhaisk to reinforce positions at the forest in Gomel.
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German losses: 1 SCU step (1 step)
Soviet losses: 1 LCU, 4 SCU (14 steps)
The Soviets unit pocketed at Bialystok can not be saved and it is eliminated : 8 steps (LCU+SCU).
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