Saturday, May 9, 2015

Crusade and Revolution, Turn 7


The first three action rounds in Turn 7 were devoted to positional and strategic movements by both players.

National was relocating his units to finish with Northern Front while reinforcing the holes created last turn by Republican at Castilla and Aragon. Republican as using the given time to prepare positions and build trenches at Gijon and Teruel.

Then, National played Iron Belt Plans to remove the trench at Bilbao. At this moment, with his forces surrounded at Bilbao, Republican worked a plan to attack through SantoƱa:


National, neglecting the movement, went for an full attack against Gijon and Bilbao but both of them failed (4/5 and 4/4). Losses were heavy for both sides but Republican maintained Bilbao alive for one more critical Action Round. This allowed him to retake Santander with his Pol unit:


Bilbao could not longer resist and finally it was taken by National. However, at Gijon a new attack failed again as the Republican played “Guadalajara is not Abisinia”, strongly reducing the National odds and resulting in 3/4 result.

A last effort by National to capture Santander was unsuscessful. Republican devoted his last two Action Rounds to play for Replacements and Reinforcements (two more Corps at Barcelona).


Republican is increasing his superiority at Aragon:


Retaken Santander and playing for Replacements allowed Republican to offer again an stiff resistance in the North for the next turn. The time gained at the defence of Bilbao and Gijon, forcing National to expend cards for attacking and operations may be critical.

After replacements, National may have some problems in the North:



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