Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Crusade and Revolution, Turn 3


The first two actions of this turn saw the arrival of Italian and Russian reinforcements.

Two Italian Divisional units arrived at La Coruña and Malaga while a T-26 Russian brigade landed at Valencia.

Then both sides spent some time to relocate their units, national apparently preparing some offensives towards Madrid as he was moving many Africans units to northern locations. Republican answered by reinforcing his lines, both at Andalucia (taking defensive positions at the mountains) and  Castilla:


Then National first succesfully attacked against Pto de Valderrepiso to liberate the Siege, Republican retreated and National advanced to establish a new front line; later, National tried several times to arrive to Oviedo by attacking Pto Pajares but Reps maintained their position. While National was maneouvring at Castilla, Republican achieved to play several events in a row and changed to Largo Caballero Gvt, and place trenchs at Bilbao and Madrid:


Overall this was a quite calm turn as National got a very poor hand (many 2ops cards) and Rep played for events.



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