Wednesday, June 17, 2015

C&R, v2, T4


After the interesting turn three, we have seen in the first actions of turn 4 how both sides are deploying their units. National retreated from Illescas to the safer positions at Cebreros and made SR to better occupy positions at Andalucia and Castilla. Then he played the Axis Military Aid Event and went for Replacements. On his side, Republican occupied Illesacas, place trenches at Madrid and Illescas and also played for replacements and defensive positions at Jaen and Brihuega

Real battlefield operations begun on the fifth action Round when National attacked Castropol and Pto Peña. In both cases National won the combat and advanced. After a small republican SR, national attacked and advanced into Peñarroya.

This is the result of a quiet turn.





C&R, v2 T3


After both sides made strategic redeployement to place more units into the battlefield, Nationals attacked Brihuega. Republican sacrificed one more step to avoid retreat.


Then he moved all their units around Madrid to fill the menacing gap but at the cost of weakening their lines in South Castilla.


Then, T-26 units arrived at Almeria when National launched a succesful attack against Talavera and Don Benito. The very thin Republican line did not resist and National made a deep break towards Madrid and letting out of supply the units at Cebreros.


This movement forced Republican to sacrifice “Largo Caballero” card to make his second Strategic Redeployement of the turn.


At this point, National halted his offensive and tried to reinforce the gained terrain allowing the counterattack by Republican at Illescas.


However, National had in his hand “Molotov Cocktail” card that shifted the +1 DRM for the T-26 tanks. This result in a 2/2 tied combat.

With Madrid only defended by two reduced units (MIL and T-26) National surprinsingly did not attacked with his full African and infantry Divisions. Certainly, it was across the river but still he could get a 4-2 attack against the capital. But he was afraid of being isolated after the attack.

And in the last action of the turn, Republican desperetely tried to connect with Cebreros


In spite of an incredible 6-1 with the dice, Republican could not force Nationals to move out of Illescas as they had “Ni un paso atras” card that avoid retreat. That is the reason why National did not attack Madrid and he preferred a sure elimination of two divisions at Cebreros. We will see in the future if this was a wise decission.