Wednesday, May 20, 2015

C&R, v2, T1-2


We have decide to get a second match of Crusade & Revolution in a row but this time with shifted sides.

I will try to report every two turns or so, as our play by vassal+ACTS is much faster than my writing.

During Turn 1, National was making a standard opening, by attacking Extremadura. The, after losing an African step in a 3-0 combat, I shifted my attention to Andalucia. Again, rolls were not very favorable for National and many attacks ended in a 1/1 result, including a 6-1 odds combat (reduced to 5-1 by the mountain) at Antequera. As a result, National did not perform many advances during first turn. Meanwhile, Republican played mainly for Strategic Redeployment and events (+1MR and Bilbao Trench).


During turn 2, National concentrated into attacking Badajoz to join their lines and assaulting Malaga. First objective was achieved but the attack on Malaga was rejected. However, National managed to take Loja and now his fellows at Granada are not longer isolated.


Republican was establishing a series of defensive positions at Talavera, Don Benito, around Madrid and Gijon.


Events played: Franco takes Command, End of Strait Blocking and Soviet Military Aid for the Republican.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Crusade and Revolution, Turn 9


National side is ready to continue his assault in the North. He has rebuilt his corps and sent them to surround Santander.

First attack on Santander destroyed all the Divisional units and let the Republican Corps reduced.


It is being too costly for the National in terms of operation points to finish Santander. The presence of the trench allows to avoid retreat by expending one more step and Republican is using this to slow down the National offensive. Furthermore he was able to redeploy another divisional unit there, allowing them to resist one more action

In the fourth AR of this turn, after three attacks, National finally destroyed all the opposition and retook Santander.


Meanwhile, with all National effort concentrated in the North, Republican was slowly building a great superiority around Aragon. He was playing for more Reinforcements (Madrid and Barcelona) and for Replacements. National answered by trenching Zaragoza.

Then, after the fall of Santander, Republican began to maneuver around Madrid and Zaragoza. His goal was to get some advantage of his local superiority before the National corps deployed at the North could arrive.

image Zaragoza:
Here National has three Corps: Zaragoza, Leciñena and Monreal to oppose the Republican Corps at Teruel, Caspe, Candanos, two at Sariñena and two more waiting behind at Lerida. Although in general National Corps are of better quality, 3 to 7 seems a poor ratio to maintain the front.

Around Madrid National has 6 Corps (including the one at Soria) but two of them are reduced while Republican has 5 Corps, three of them guarding the mountains, other one at Illescas and a last one deployed at Guadalupe, facing only divisional units and menacing to cut National forces in two. Furthermore, two T-26 brigades are in this area, increasing the firepower of Republican units image

To counter this menace, National destroyed the Division at Talavera and place his Italian Corps there, only to be attacked from three sides by the available Republican units. At the same time, Corps in Guadalupe attacked African unit at Trujillo.


The results were dramatic for National. 2/0 at Trujillo and 6/3 at Talavera, destroying African and Italian Corps. However Republican refused to advance:


When National claimed for Replacements in his last Action Round, Republican saw the opportunity to cut National in two (+1MR) and did not hesitate to capture Caceres (+1MR)


Furthermore Huesca has been taken by an attack from Sariñena, bringing +1MR to Republican side.


Republican has atachieved MR=+24


at the end of Turn 9


So, exactly the needed MR level to get an Republican Automatic Victory.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Crusade and Revolution, Turn 8


Turn 8 begins with National in difficult position at the Northern Front. After Replacements, Republican has a clear 3 to 1  corps advantage. Furthermore, units at Gijon are well protected by trenchs.


To slow down the republican counterattack, National played for an event in his first Action Round: Comunist interferences. This event forces the republican to spend one operation point to activate each unit for combat.

Republican did not go for the counterattack and, instead, played quite movements to place positions at Santander and Sariñena.

Both players went for Reinforcements: Zaragoza and Coruña for National and Cartagena and Barcelona for Republican.

Then, after relocating his reinforcements and the units surrounding Gijon, National played twice for replacements and another event, Italian submarines to reduce Republican replacements.

This gave enough time to republican for placing a trench at Santander and relocating his own units menacing to retake Granada. Last event gave +1MR nad now it is at 22.

Aragon Front:








Saturday, May 9, 2015

Crusade and Revolution, Turn 7


The first three action rounds in Turn 7 were devoted to positional and strategic movements by both players.

National was relocating his units to finish with Northern Front while reinforcing the holes created last turn by Republican at Castilla and Aragon. Republican as using the given time to prepare positions and build trenches at Gijon and Teruel.

Then, National played Iron Belt Plans to remove the trench at Bilbao. At this moment, with his forces surrounded at Bilbao, Republican worked a plan to attack through Santoña:


National, neglecting the movement, went for an full attack against Gijon and Bilbao but both of them failed (4/5 and 4/4). Losses were heavy for both sides but Republican maintained Bilbao alive for one more critical Action Round. This allowed him to retake Santander with his Pol unit:


Bilbao could not longer resist and finally it was taken by National. However, at Gijon a new attack failed again as the Republican played “Guadalajara is not Abisinia”, strongly reducing the National odds and resulting in 3/4 result.

A last effort by National to capture Santander was unsuscessful. Republican devoted his last two Action Rounds to play for Replacements and Reinforcements (two more Corps at Barcelona).


Republican is increasing his superiority at Aragon:


Retaken Santander and playing for Replacements allowed Republican to offer again an stiff resistance in the North for the next turn. The time gained at the defence of Bilbao and Gijon, forcing National to expend cards for attacking and operations may be critical.

After replacements, National may have some problems in the North:



Friday, May 8, 2015

Crusade and Revolution, Turn 6


With the arrival of the Corps units, National launched a massive attacks on the North Front. He was repeatedly attacking Republican positions during the first three action rounds. Republican tried to keep terrain as much as possible by sacrificing steps at the mountains to avoid retreat.


However, after the fall  Pto del Escudo Santander was an easy target and after Pto Pajares, Republican was confined into Gijon:


Meanwhile, more Corps were arriving to the war, Republicans deploying them at Valencia, Barcelona and Madrid while National sent them to Valladolid and Zaragoza.

Republicans used their numerical superiority to take Teruel:


Small republican counterattacks also eliminated the National units at Aranda:


Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Crusade and Revolution, Turn 5


We are now in the First Winter turn. In C&R, a Winter turn implies that your offensive is limited as only three cards can be played for operations (1 ops does not count against this limit) and you get –1DRM in mountain spaces. Also after National playing Famine, republican loses –1MR each winter. In the case of Severe winter (Republican event), –2MR applies and operations are limited to two cards.

During this turn, Republican tried several times to move National units from Talavera. First, he launched an attack with the strength of the two T-26 units, but national could stand thanks to the play of two Combat Cards (-2 DRM).


Unfortunately for the nationalist side, he had no success into obtaining a position and finally at the end of the turn, republican retook Talavera:


On the other hand, National attacks were concentrated into taking Puertollano and Jaen. Although both assaults were successful, Republican sacrificed a further step to keep the control on the key mountains and reinforce his position by strategic redeployment:



The only important event played during this turn was Severe Winter that will apply next Winter.

With this turn it ends the War of the Columns. Now, cards from the Mobilization Phase will be added to the deck but, before, Corps units must be alternatively placed on the map. To speed up things we meet at the club and place our units using a laptop. This is the final result:


Situation is MR=22, VP=9