National side is ready to continue his assault in the North. He has rebuilt his corps and sent them to surround Santander.
First attack on Santander destroyed all the Divisional units and let the Republican Corps reduced.

It is being too costly for the National in terms of operation points to finish Santander. The presence of the trench allows to avoid retreat by expending one more step and Republican is using this to slow down the National offensive. Furthermore he was able to redeploy another divisional unit there, allowing them to resist one more action
In the fourth AR of this turn, after three attacks, National finally destroyed all the opposition and retook Santander.

Meanwhile, with all National effort concentrated in the North, Republican was slowly building a great superiority around Aragon. He was playing for more Reinforcements (Madrid and Barcelona) and for Replacements. National answered by trenching Zaragoza.
Then, after the fall of Santander, Republican began to maneuver around Madrid and Zaragoza. His goal was to get some advantage of his local superiority before the National corps deployed at the North could arrive.
 | Zaragoza: Here National has three Corps: Zaragoza, Leciñena and Monreal to oppose the Republican Corps at Teruel, Caspe, Candanos, two at Sariñena and two more waiting behind at Lerida. Although in general National Corps are of better quality, 3 to 7 seems a poor ratio to maintain the front. |
Around Madrid National has 6 Corps (including the one at Soria) but two of them are reduced while Republican has 5 Corps, three of them guarding the mountains, other one at Illescas and a last one deployed at Guadalupe, facing only divisional units and menacing to cut National forces in two. Furthermore, two T-26 brigades are in this area, increasing the firepower of Republican units |  |
To counter this menace, National destroyed the Division at Talavera and place his Italian Corps there, only to be attacked from three sides by the available Republican units. At the same time, Corps in Guadalupe attacked African unit at Trujillo.

The results were dramatic for National. 2/0 at Trujillo and 6/3 at Talavera, destroying African and Italian Corps. However Republican refused to advance:

When National claimed for Replacements in his last Action Round, Republican saw the opportunity to cut National in two (+1MR) and did not hesitate to capture Caceres (+1MR)

Furthermore Huesca has been taken by an attack from Sariñena, bringing +1MR to Republican side.

Republican has atachieved MR=+24

at the end of Turn 9

So, exactly the needed MR level to get an Republican Automatic Victory.