Thursday, April 23, 2015

Crusade and Revolution, Turn 4


Finally, National player initiated the offensive against Madrid. He first attacked Talavera and, from that position, Illescas. However, Republican who was bringing the T-26 brigades units to this area, was aware of the national plans and surprised him (Card # 107 Orders Captured). African units were left unguarded and vulnerable to the counterattack by the tanks. Fortunately for the National side, he had in hand Card #7 (Aviation disband Militia), cancelling the Republican attack.

Then International Brigades arrived to Madrid, reinforcing Republican around the capital:


National also tried to advance at Asturias (attacking Pajares) and Andalucia (attacking Jaen) but both attacks finished 1/1 with no terrain gains. Moreover, one of the reduced African units was attacked by a combined force of Police and Militia and permanently destroyed.

image                        image

National did not play for Replacements but put into play Famine meaning –1MR each winter turn.


Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Crusade and Revolution, Turn 3


The first two actions of this turn saw the arrival of Italian and Russian reinforcements.

Two Italian Divisional units arrived at La Coruña and Malaga while a T-26 Russian brigade landed at Valencia.

Then both sides spent some time to relocate their units, national apparently preparing some offensives towards Madrid as he was moving many Africans units to northern locations. Republican answered by reinforcing his lines, both at Andalucia (taking defensive positions at the mountains) and  Castilla:


Then National first succesfully attacked against Pto de Valderrepiso to liberate the Siege, Republican retreated and National advanced to establish a new front line; later, National tried several times to arrive to Oviedo by attacking Pto Pajares but Reps maintained their position. While National was maneouvring at Castilla, Republican achieved to play several events in a row and changed to Largo Caballero Gvt, and place trenchs at Bilbao and Madrid:


Overall this was a quite calm turn as National got a very poor hand (many 2ops cards) and Rep played for events.



Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Crusade and Revolution, Turn 2


Second turn continued with National offensive. Main lines of attack were concentrated in Extremadura and Andalucia. National tried also some attacks to disturb defensive republicans positions at the mountains (Somosierra, Leitariegos,..) but all of then failed on a 1/1 result. Republicans was still playing mainly for replacements and Strategic redeployements combined with low operations cards to relocate reduced units.

Both players initiated the turn by playing the cards providing foreign aid. Now National can get Axis units and Republican will get Soviet units (the much expected T-26 brigades).

First national goal has been accomplished as the succesful assault on Badajoz allows the connection of the two fronts:



The second noticeable attack was directed against Malaga. Again Republican defence did not stand and another VP city was lost.


Before the end of the turn, National launched a final strong attack against Jaen but failed,


then, Republican played event to automatically place three positions (He chose Jae, Durango and Talavera)and secure the city.

This is the situation at Asturias:


Madrid where Republican reinforced the mountains:




and Extremadura (Republicans got a position at Pto Peña),


Monday, April 20, 2015

Crusade and Revolution. Turn 1


First turn was concentrated in the initial attacks of the Nationalist side. Republicans were mainly retreating to better defensive positions when possible by playing strategic redeployments and, at the same time, looking for replacements.

National has gained terrain in Extremadura but could not connect his two sides. Republican defensive line is quite thin:


In the Northern Front, initial attack captured Castropol but stopped there:


Main National effort came in Andalucia where African units attacked Loja in order to cut Republican lines towards Malaga:


Republican did not hesitate to retreat. This put Malaga in a difficult position to be saved, meaning the loss of both VP and RM but Republican is trying to play long term strategy without sacrificing units..



Sunday, April 19, 2015

Crusade and Revolution


After a few months without online games we are now ready to start a new fight over a digital board.

This time, strongly biased by Alberto (Mol) opinion I (Alberto P) have accepted to try Crusade and Revolution.

This game, published by Compass Games, has been designed by David Gomez Relloso and it translates the gameplay and mechanics of the famous Paths of Glory to the battlefields of the Spanish Civil War.

A.M. tried the game a few times, both by using Vassal+ACTS or in our gameclub. For me it will be the first play.

Map is beautiful as well as it has clear and nice cards and counters.